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How to fail better

what does "failure" even mean ?

I would like to rather call them setbacks . they set you back from success but every time you encounter a setback it gives you valuable information That will help you achieve success more easily next time , you need to find out where you went wrong and what caused the failure, then only that failure has contributed something in your life

 By definition "Failure" means lack of success . You only Fail if you stop trying to succeed . So Failure doesn't exist until you stop trying . I know it's a cliche thing to say but often the truths are simple and cliche , you will only understand true purpose of failure in life after you have experienced it multiple of times , Yeah it's hard as Fuck but those who can endure it and move on in life has only won in life

Failures caused by many different things the causes vary person to person

Failure teaches you a lot of things especially courage , resilience , fighting mentality and a lot more . it humbles you out . it teaches you lessons that you thought you would never learn 

Eventually after failing many times you will learn to learn from it

you need to try again and again and fail better every time until you succeed

why do people get different treatment from other people after they fail ?

One major factor for this is "High expectations" as a society or as a family every body has high expectations from you , It's normal that they will get pissed at you when you don't meet their high expectation .You don't have to, it's their expectation and it's their headache . I don't know about the society but your family will always prioritize your happiness above all of their expectations if they feel like they were expecting too much from you 

The most important thing in life is making progress as a human , if you genuinely feel like you are making progress then you are on the right track


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